Friday, August 05, 2005

India Update - Last Days in Bangalore!

Team India leaves Bangalore on Monday night and arrives back at SeaTac on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 pm. There are some things we can be praying for right now:

1. Pray for a strong finish, that they would finish their classes and relationships strong.
2. Pray that the beginning of the debriefing process would begin smoothly.
3. Pray for a safe trip home…
Mumbai (Bombay) has still been experiencing flooding. The team is scheduled to fly through there, so pray for their trip. Also lift the people of Bombay as they have been dealing with much destruction and many deaths.
4. Pray for a smooth adjustment home.

All said, the team has had a great trip and will return with many stories to share.

Team India arrives: British Air, 49 at 4:15pm

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